De reactie van de Nederlandse Staat op de inbreng van de GBB en haar mensenrechtenadvocaat Jan van de Venis.
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Start 2:40:53 De heer Siebe Riedstra, hoofd van de Nederlandse delegatie, Secretaris Generaal bij het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, op vragen die hij kreeg van het VN Mensenrechten Comité (1:19:45) over gaswinning, aardbevingen en Groningen en de impact op de mensenrechten.
Mr. Riedstra:
“Then you have a question on (…uh..) the earthquake and (..uh..) the promises to the people of East Groningen.
I visit last week East Groningen and I saw what’s doing with people when you are aware of daily the chance of earth quakening.
The government has set strict goal on one, the use of gas will stop. The extraction of gas will stop in East Groningen.
And is now doing and preparing to restore the houses, the schools and all the public facilities in East Groningen. And that is why I was there.
I visited good and safe and very modern hospital for all the people in East Groningen what will be earthquake proof.
Mr Chair I think I answered not all, but nearby a lot of questions.“